Dare to Care aims to financially and practically assist selected credible organisations whose primary focus is benefitting vulnerable children and in particular feeding and education.
Dare to Care exists to Provide support to selected existing credible, sustainable non-profit organizations by:
Our ancillary objectives are:
Beneficiaries include township schools, creches, and children’s homes for abandoned children.
Dare to Care aims to include feeding, maintenance and training of beneficiaries.
It uses “Hands and Rands” to benefit the beneficiary. This includes project-based events to improve facilities, add value to the existing school, crèche or home.
Targeted needs and a priority list of urgent needs is used to facilitate acquiring funds, donations and volunteers.
All of which culminates in providing upgrades, additional facilities or maintenance to the beneficiary.
P.O. Box 11526
Randhart, South Africa,1457
Tel: +27 (11) 908 2928
Dare 2 Care Foundation
Standard Bank
Cheque Acc: 023086149
Branch: 051001
NPO No. 136-094
Directors: M Mollentze; W Pillay; N Coleman; M Balintulo; A Graetz